Photoblog of our family life in Melbourne, Australia
September 11, 2006
We went to IMax Theatre and watched a 3D film entitled "Deep Sea" narrated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. It was nice but ran for 45 minutes only. Since IMax is located inside Melbourne Museum, we visited the museum for a few additional dollars. We weren't disappointed as there were loads of stuff to see.
Actual bones of a T-Rex dinosaur. I wonder how much was the cost to buy this.
Seen at the background are Australia's native animals.
A pose with a preserved polar bear, king crab and mmmm, i don't know what the other one is.
Traffic during the earlier decades in Australia was maintained by this colorful contraption.
This massive machine is Australia's first computer. It had a capacity of 2,000 bytes and its power consumption was 30,000 watts! Those were the days...
I could not help but admire these beautiful crystals inside a rock formation. These crystals can be appreciated more when viewed under dim conditions because they are luminous and glow in the dark.
Taken at the Discovery Centre in the museum where a variety of collections can be viewed such as fossils, preserved birds and bugs, australian coins, minerals, etc.
Luke making some free art at the children's gallery of the Melbourne Museum.
In May of 2006 my hubby Orlando and I, with our four kids Alessandra, Andrea, Jacob and Luke moved from Manila, Philippines to Melbourne, Australia. Another chapter in the life of the Bolina brood...